Introducing our Venue
June 7 - 8
transit accessible
proximity to Lansdowne Mall
Easily accessible by transit and in close proximity to various food options.
Explore the campus in-between committee sessions.
Saturday, June 7th
Delegate Check-in
8:30 am
Opening Ceremony
9:00 am
make your way to committee rooms
9:30 am
Committee Session 1
9:45 am
15 min break
11:00 am
Committee Session 2
11:15 am
Lunch Break
12:30 pm
Committee Session 3
2:00 pm
15 min break
3:15 pm
Committee Session 4
3:15 pm
15 min break
4:30 pm
Committee Session 5
4:45 pm
End of Day
6:00 pm
Sunday, June 8th
Morning Crisis
9:00 am
optional break
10:30 am
Committee Session 6
11:00 am
Lunch Break
12:00 pm
Committee Session 7
1:30 pm
15 min break
2:45 pm
Committee Session 8
3:00 pm
Closing Ceremony
5:00 pm
End of Day
6:00 pm