Introducing our Venue

Wilson School of Design

KPU richmond exterior street view

June 7 - 8

transit accessible

proximity to Lansdowne Mall

KPU richmond exterior street view

Located across Lansdowne Mall

Easily accessible by transit and in close proximity to various food options.

Open Campus Interior

Explore the campus in-between committee sessions.


Day 1

Saturday, June 7th


Delegate Check-in

8:30 am


Opening Ceremony

9:00 am

make your way to committee rooms

9:30 am


Committee Session 1

9:45 am

15 min break

11:00 am


Committee Session 2

11:15 am


Lunch Break

12:30 pm


Committee Session 3

2:00 pm

15 min break

3:15 pm


Committee Session 4

3:15 pm

15 min break

4:30 pm


Committee Session 5

4:45 pm


End of Day

6:00 pm

Day 2

Sunday, June 8th


Morning Crisis

9:00 am

optional break

10:30 am


Committee Session 6

11:00 am


Lunch Break

12:00 pm


Committee Session 7

1:30 pm

15 min break

2:45 pm


Committee Session 8

3:00 pm


Closing Ceremony

5:00 pm


End of Day

6:00 pm